The word riddle comes from the word read, which in Old English would be ræ̅dan. This meant to interpret or guess.
Let us pause here for a second and define some of the words.
Word | Meaning |
Riddle | In Spanish – enigma A question or phrase that requires an answer. |
ræ̅dan | An Old English word that means interpret or guess. |
Interpret | In Spanish – Interpretar To explain the meaning. |
Guess | In Spanish – adivinar An estimation or conclusion without facts. |
A riddle is created to deceive a person. The riddler wants the person to look at the problem from different angles to get to the correct answer in the end. It is thus created to make you THINK!
Now, here is where things get interesting! You might think that a brain teaser, a riddle, and a puzzle is the same thing, but it isn’t. So let us look at the three:
Based on these definitions, it is obvious that a brain teaser is similar to a riddle and both are very puzzling! All three have the same purpose – to challenge or test your brain. They also help to improve your knowledge and logical reasoning (a way of thinking). You might need to consider a different way of thinking to solve any of the three.
Archimedes was a Greek mathematician who created mathematical problems and asked people to solve them; the first brain teasers came from him!
John Spilsbury created the first jigsaw puzzle in 1767; he was an engraver, he made engravings in stone, metal and wood (hacía grabados en piedra, metal y madera) and map creator (cartographer) who turned a map into the first puzzle. He wanted to teach people about the countries in Europe!
Well, that is a riddle in itself! Many different cultures as far back as the Babylonians made use of riddles, but who created the first one? Well, that is a mystery.
Let us review what you have learned in this lesson: