We all have some great ideas about how to increase our mark for the exam but it is very difficult to choose the method. Also, it is important to choose carefully. I’ll try and keep this section brief and I will summarise my thoughts like this:
You can find more advice in another course I made.
This is essential. If you want to practice the exam, do the exam several times. You can download past papers from the Cambridge website and there are other courses here too (and even one for the APTIS which you can use), these will help you become familiar with the exam.
The reading test is all about reading and understanding text. It is not very easy. You should be familiar with reading and talking about texts. I recommend reading short texts and then writing about their meaning or talking about them with a friend or teacher. Here is a list of short readings we are making.
I’ve been teaching since around 2014 and note taking is waning (it is dying out). Making notes about the texts in your exam will help you remember information faster.
Intergrate is all about mixing the two, practice the exam, read and talk about texts. You can set up a study schedule or you can work with a teacher who will motivate you (You can contact us here).