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Your Level


Level Three

Level Three: Our highest level.

2 Requisitos

  • Earn 1500 IEP Bucks
  • Complete 15 courses

Level Two

Wow! Level Two! Things are getting serious now.

4 Requisitos

Level One

You made it! Level One is where all the best people start.

3 Requisitos

  • Complete 3 courses
  • Earn 500 IEP Bucks
  • Achieve 90% or more 5 times in a quiz.

Level Zero

This is the starting point.

Points and achievements:

0 IEP Bucks
0 Rubies

IEP Bucks

5 IEP Buck Premio

  • 100 IEP Bucks for registering
  • 25 IEP Bucks for a daily visit
  • 25 IEP Bucks for passing a quiz
  • 25 IEP Bucks for completing a quiz with a perfect score!
  • 100 IEP Bucks for completing a course

1 IEP Buck Deducción

  • -25 IEP Bucks for failing a quiz


4 Ruby Premio

  • 10 Rubies for registering – Hello!
  • 5 Rubies for visiting everyday for a week
  • 10 Ruby for complete a course 1 time
  • Well done! You are rank 1.

Welcome Trophy

50 IEP Bucks

Welcome to In English Please!

1 Paso

  • Registrarse en el sitio web

3 Is a Magic Number

50 IEP Bucks

Complete 3 courses

1 Paso

  • 1 vez

10 Course Challenge

15 Rubies

Complete 10 courses.

1 Paso

  • Complete a course 10 times (limited to 1 per year)


10 Rubies

Write and upload 50 essays.
Escribe y sube 50 redacciones.

1 Paso

  • Upload an assignment 50 times (limited to 1 per year)


Browse Some Of Our Best Online Courses

curso de inglés para practicar el reading del B2 first de Cambridge FCE

Practica el Reading para el B2 First de Cambridge FCE

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