¡Aprueba el CAE! Writing examples C1✍️

Written by Irene Quesada

Examples Writing C1

C1 writing examples

¿Estás preparándote para la parte del Writing C1 de Cambridge? Entonces te vendrán muy bien estos ejemplos resueltos de exámenes antiguos del CAE. Hemos preparado posibles respuestas para los diferentes tipos de writing C1 que pueden salirte en el CAE. Observa bien cómo están estructurados los textos e inspírate en ellos para desarollar tu propia respuesta.

Antes de empezar, te recomendamos que leas este artículo en el que te damos una lista de los conectores C1 que puedes utilizar para el writing del CAE. ¡Toma nota y vamos con los ejemplos!

CAE writing example: Letter of application


Example letter CAE


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my interest in volunteering for the famous international sporting event you advertised in the student magazine. I am confident that I possess the necessary qualities and skills to contribute positively to the event.

I am fluent in English and Spanish, and I am comfortable communicating with people from diverse cultural backgrounds. I believe my language skills will be an asset in welcoming delegates and providing customer service during the event.

As for my personal qualities, I am a friendly and respectful person with a ‘can-do’ attitude. I am a quick learner, adaptable, and I always strive to exceed expectations. I believe these qualities make me well-suited for a volunteer position.

I have demonstrated my team skills in various settings. For instance, during my university group projects, I ensured that everyone had a clear understanding of their tasks and deadlines. I also actively contributed ideas and provided feedback to improve the group’s work. These experiences have honed my team skills, and I am confident that I can work effectively with other volunteers to achieve the event’s goals.

Although I do not have any direct experience in customer service, I have worked in the hospitality industry as a waiter. I am familiar with serving customers, taking orders, and handling cash and credit cards.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to the success of this event as a volunteer.


[Your Name]

CAE writing example: Review


writing example CAE


Dear [College Name],

I am writing to respond to your recent inquiry regarding the facilities provided during my time at the college. In terms of academic facilities, I found the college to be equipped with the necessary resources and equipment for my studies. The library was well stocked with books, journals, and online resources, and the computer labs were always accessible for students. The professors were knowledgeable and approachable, which created a conducive learning environment.

However, there were some areas where the college could have improved its facilities. For instance, the study spaces could have been made more comfortable with better seating arrangements and lighting. Additionally, the college could have provided more opportunities for extracurricular activities, which would have enhanced the social life of the students. Although there were some clubs and organizations, there was not enough variety to cater to the diverse interests of the student body.

Moreover, the college could have improved the cafeteria facilities by offering a wider range of healthy food options. During my time at the college, the food choices were limited, and the quality was below par. I believe that providing better food options could positively impact students’ health and wellbeing.

Overall, I had a positive experience at the college, and I appreciate the effort put in by the staff and faculty to provide the necessary academic facilities. However, there is always room for improvement, and I hope that the college can take my suggestions into consideration to enhance the experience of future students.

Thank you for reaching out to me, and I wish the college all the best.


[Your Name]

CAE writing example: Brochure


writing example CAE



One of my favorite places to visit in my town is the local park, which is located just a few blocks from my house. The park covers a large area and has a variety of features that make it a great place for young people to visit.

The park’s large playground is one of its most appealing features, and it caters to children of all ages. With its diverse collection of equipment, such as swings, slides, and climbing frames, as well as a sandpit and a basketball court, the playground is an excellent place for youngsters to spend their time.

In addition to the playground, the park also has several walking trails that are great for nature walks or jogging. The trails are well-maintained and offer scenic views of the surrounding countryside.

Overall, the park is a great place for families to spend a day outdoors. The playground and walking trails are suitable for children and adults alike, and the park is also pet-friendly, making it a great place to bring your furry friends.

Getting to the park is easy, as it is located just off the main road and has ample parking available. Best of all, the park is completely free to enter, making it an affordable and enjoyable day out for all.

In summary, the local park is a great place for anyone who loves spending time outdoors and enjoying nature. Whether you’re a family with young children, a teenager looking for a fun place to hang out with friends, or someone who enjoys jogging or walking, the park has something for everyone.

CAE writing example: Email


writing CAE example



Dear Louisa,

I hope this email finds you well. It’s great to hear from you and I’m glad you’re interested in joining us for the weekend away. Of course, your sister and niece are more than welcome to join us. We have enough space for everyone, so please do bring them along.

Regarding the plan for the weekend, we are going to a theme park on Saturday morning and I believe Maddy will have a great time there. The rides are suitable for children and I’m sure she’ll enjoy them. As for the holiday cottage, it’s located by a beautiful lake, but it can get muddy. So, make sure to bring boots and a torch. I’m sure your sister and niece will love the scenic view.

In the evening, we plan to visit a great curry restaurant, followed by dancing at a night club. However, it may not be suitable for young children. So, it’s entirely up to your sister whether she would like to join us or not. If she prefers, we can look for some other options that are more family-friendly.

I hope this answers your questions. We’re looking forward to having you and your family with us for the weekend away.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

Consejos y trucos para superar la parte de Writing del examen CAE

1. Conoce el formato del examen: Nuestro primer consejo para prepararte para el Writing del CAE es conocer la estructura del examen y que te familiarices muy bien con él. ¡Puedes consultarlo aquí!

2. Aprende a estructurar tus ensayos y artículos: En el Writing del CAE te pedirán que escribas en diferentes formatos, como carta, email, ensayo… Es importante que practiques cada uno de estos ejemplos y que te acostumbres a estructurar tus frases. Aparte de escribir, te recomendamos leer artículos y ensayos en inglés. Te ayudará a mejorar tu vocabulario, gramática y comprensión lectora. Cada texto que hagas debe tener introducción, desarrollo y conclusión.

✍️ ¡Practica antes! En este curso aprenderás cómo estructurar y escribir los siguientes tipos de de texto que te pueden salir en el examen C1 de Cambridge: report, review, email/letter, essay y article. Encontrarás plantillas para cada uno y un checklist que podrás aplicar a cada uno de ellos para comprobar que todo es correcto antes de entregarlo.

Haz clic aquí o en la imagen para acceder al curso:

writing CAE cambridge

writing CAE cambridge

3. Utiliza conectores: Usa conectores adecuados para relacionar las ideas en tu texto para que esté bien estructurado y tenga una buena cohesión. Aquí tienes un artículo en el que te damos una lista de los conectores C1 que puedes utilizar para el writing del CAE.

4. Utiliza un lenguaje formal: En el examen del CAE es importante que utilices un lenguaje formal. Evita el uso de jergas o expresiones informales.

5. Practica la gestión del tiempo: Cada parte del CAE, incluyendo el Writing, tiene una duración limitada. Nuestro consejo es que practiques el Writing en casa con un cronómetro, te resultará de mucha ayuda y te ahorrarás nervios el día del examen.

Si tuvieramos que resumir estos consejos en pocas palabras, sería: estructura, conectores y gestión del tiempo.

Si necesitas más ayuda, también puedes ver este video de dos profesores nativos experimentados con tips para superar el Writing del CAE. ¡Prepárate para conseguir una buena nota en el writing del CAE con estos consejos!



Espero que estos consejos y ejemplos te ayuden a prepararte y a tener éxito en el Writing del CAE. Si además quieres complementar tu preparación con un profe de inglés con experiencia en preparar alumnos para superar el CAE, contáctanos. ¡Buena suerte!

Nuestros cursos de inglés

curso de inglés para practicar el reading del B2 first de Cambridge FCE

Practica el Reading para el B2 First de Cambridge FCE

curso B1 ingles online

Curso de gramática inglés B1 – nivel intermedio bajo

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Cursos de Inglés

curso de inglés para practicar el reading del B2 first de Cambridge FCE

Practica el Reading para el B2 First de Cambridge FCE

curso B1 ingles online

Curso de gramática inglés B1 – nivel intermedio bajo

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By the way, no solo somos buenos profesores de inglés sino también somos buenos estudiantes de español. Si ves un fallo en nuestro articulo, abajo nos puedes dejar un comentario con la corrección y la revisamos.

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