Lectura corta en inglés para nivel intermedio

Aprende inglés con lecturas cortas

Si aún no te atreves a leer un libro entero en inglés, te ofrecemos una lectura corta en inglés para que veas que entretenido es aprender de esta manera. Compleméntalo con nuestro cursos de inglés y avanza en tu aprendizaje.

Esta lectura es una oprtunidad genial para aprender vocabulario:

Bend down – Agacharse
Glitter – Brillar
Sparkle – Brillar
Gather – Reunir
To squeeze through – Abrirse paso. “I had to squeeze my way through the crowded market to get to the other side.”  –Tuve que abrirme paso a través del abarrotado mercado para llegar al otro lado.

Te recomiendo que busques las palabras en un traductor y las anotes, así las recordarás con más facilidad. Si además de leer en inglés te interesa escuchar y mejorar tu listening, echa un vistazo a nuestro canal de Youtube.

Y ahora… ¡la historia!

Historia corta en inglés

Emma’s adventure

One day, a little girl named Emma was walking to the park when she saw something glittering in the grass. She bent down to take a closer look and saw a beautiful, golden key.

Emma couldn’t believe her luck. She had always wanted to find a treasure, and now she had found a key that might lead her to one. She picked up the key and ran to the park as fast as she could.
When she got there, she saw a big, old tree with a hole in its trunk. Emma knew this was the place she had been looking for. She stuck the key in the hole and turned it, and to her surprise, the trunk opened, revealing a secret tunnel.

Emma was so excited that she ran inside without hesitation. She followed the tunnel until she came to a room filled with treasure. There were piles of gold coins, sparkling jewels, and all sorts of other precious things.
Emma couldn’t believe her eyes. She had found the treasure of a lifetime. She gathered as much as she could carry and ran back to the tunnel, but as she was leaving, she heard a strange noise.

It was the sound of the tree trunk closing. Emma realized that she was trapped. She tried to run back, but it was too late. The trunk was sealed shut.
Emma was scared, but she knew she had to find a way out. She looked around and saw a small window high up on the wall. She climbed up and squeezed through it, just in time to see the sun setting.

She ran home as fast as she could, her heart full of joy and her pockets full of treasure. She knew she would always remember her amazing adventure in the park.

(Texto creado con la ayuda del chat GPT3)

Preguntas de comprensión lectora

Ahora, practica tu nuevo vocabulario respondiendo a estas preguntas:

  1. What does Emma do when she finds the key?
  2. What does Emma find when she follows the tunnel?
  3. How does Emma escape from being trapped in the tree trunk?
  4. What does Emma do to try to escape from being trapped in the tree trunk?
  5. How does Emma feel when she finally escapes from the tree trunk and returns home with the treasure?


¿Qué te ha parecido? Leer es un ejercicio fundamental para aprender inglés por tu cuenta o bien para prepararte para alguno de los exámenes oficiales de Cambridge.

Nuestros cursos de inglés

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Practica el Reading para el B2 First de Cambridge FCE

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Cursos de Inglés

curso de inglés para practicar el reading del B2 first de Cambridge FCE

Practica el Reading para el B2 First de Cambridge FCE

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By the way, no solo somos buenos profesores de inglés sino también somos buenos estudiantes de español. Si ves un fallo en nuestro articulo, abajo nos puedes dejar un comentario con la corrección y la revisamos.

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