Artículo en inglés para leer – nivel intermedio

Written by Irene Quesada

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Artículo en inglés para leer – nivel intermedio

Si estás buscando un artículo en inglés para leer que sea interesante, aqui te traemos uno que nos ha parecido muy bueno y que hemos adaptado para nivel intermedio (B1-B2). Si tienes dudas sobre cuál es tu nivel de inglés, haz este test de nivel gratis con resultados inmediatos y sal de dudas.

¿Te has preguntado alguna vez por qué es tan difícil resistirse a ciertos alimentos? En el artículo en inglés que te traemos, se explora la adicción a los alimentos ultra-procesados y cómo estos productos pueden ser tan adictivos como el tabaco o el alcohol. Descubre por qué estos alimentos activan nuestro cerebro de manera tan poderosa, los problemas de salud que conllevan y qué podemos hacer para tomar el control. ¡No te lo pierdas!


Antes de pasar al artículo, vamos a ver unas palabras que nos han resultado interesantes y su significado:

Without meaning to: Sin quererlo.

Binge eating: Comer en exceso o atracón de comida

Gut: Intestino

Craving: Antojo o deseo intenso

Withdrawal: Síndrome de abstinencia

Si notas tu nivel de inglés oxidado, ¿por qué no hacer algo al respecto? Pregúntanos por nuestros profesores de inglés en Madrid o nuestras clases online.

Artículo en inglés

Ahora pasamos a la lectura. Te recomendamos que busques las palabras que no conozcas en el diccionario online y que las apuntes. Enjoy!

Are ultra-processed foods as addictive as cigarettes?

Have you ever eaten a lot of chips or donuts without meaning to? This might be because of something called ultra-processed food addiction. These foods can be as addictive as tobacco or alcohol for some people. About 20% of adults and 15% of kids show signs of addiction to these foods.

What are ultra-processed foods?
Ultra-processed foods are made in factories, not kitchens. They have lots of added fat, sugar, and salt to make them taste really good. Examples include packaged snacks, fast food, sodas, and candy. These foods make up about 60% of the calories people eat in the U.S.

How do these foods affect our brain?
Evan Forman, a professor who studies food addiction, says these foods activate our brain’s reward system very strongly. When people eat these foods, they often can’t stop, just like with other addictions.

Evidence of addiction
Experts met in London recently and agreed that people can become addicted to ultra-processed foods. This addiction can happen with or without other eating problems like binge eating. Studies have shown that rats’ brains react to these foods in a way that’s similar to how they react to drugs like cocaine. Scientists also found that people who are addicted to these foods often have a similar gut microbiome to people with other addictions.

Signs of addiction
A key sign of addiction is craving, and people often crave ultra-processed foods. For example, someone might drive far just to get a donut, even if they have diabetes. Withdrawal symptoms, like headaches and irritability, can also occur when people stop eating these foods.

Health problems linked to ultra-processed foods
High consumption of ultra-processed foods is linked to many health problems, like heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and depression. They can cause weight gain because they are easy to overeat. However, even thin people can become addicted to these foods.

Impact on diet and children
One big issue is that people get used to the intense flavors of ultra-processed foods and then don’t enjoy whole foods like vegetables. This is especially a problem for kids who grow up eating these foods.

Food industry response
Food companies argue that ultra-processed foods are convenient and that people should have clear nutritional information to make better choices. They also say the term “ultra-processed” is not clearly defined and could confuse people.

Solutions and hope for the future
To help people with food addictions, experts suggest clear labels on packaging, like those on cigarette packs. They also recommend reducing the marketing of these foods to children and supporting people with education and psychological help.

Just like the dangers of smoking became widely known, experts hope that people will eventually recognize the dangers of ultra-processed foods.

*Puedes leer el artículo original aquí.

Preguntas de comprensión

Para tener la experiencia completa, ¿por qué no practicar tu comprensión lectora y el writing? Responde a estas preguntas:

  1. Where are ultra-processed foods made, and what added ingredients do they typically have?
  2. Name some examples of ultra-processed foods.
  3. How do these foods affect our brain, according to Evan Forman?
  4. What did experts agree on at the meeting in London regarding ultra-processed foods?
  5. What are some withdrawal symptoms people might experience when they stop eating ultra-processed foods?
  6. List some health problems linked to high consumption of ultra-processed foods.
  7. How can the consumption of ultra-processed foods impact children and their diet?
  8. What do food companies argue about ultra-processed foods?
  9. What solutions do experts suggest to help people with food addictions?

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