Lectura corta en inglés B2- Fast Fashion

Lectura corta en inglés: fast fashion – aprende vocabulario nuevo

Hoy traemos una lectura corta en inglés que trata sobre un tema muy controvertido, fast fashion o moda rápida con el que además aprovechamos para enseñarte vocabulario en inglés relacionado con la sostenibilidad y la industria de la moda. Para sacar el máximo partido a esta lectura, te propongo este ejercicio en el que tienes que encontrar el antónimo para cada palabra. Las palabras escogidas para el ejercicio son parte de la lectura corta que te mostramos más abajo. Ten en cuenta que algunos no son antónimos perfectos, pero trata de ver cuál tiene el significado más opuesto. Las soluciones están al final del post. Por cierto, que si aprender con antónimos te parece entretenido, aquí tienes una lista.

1. Depletion A. Moderate
2. Unsafe B. Replenishment
3. Excessive C. Ignore
4. Waste D. Expensiveness
5. Promotion E. Unsustainable
6. Ethical F. Loss
7. Address G. Safe
8. Affordability H. Conservation
9. Sustainable I. Demotion
10. Gain J. Unethical


Lectura corta en inglés para nivel B2: Fast fashion

The Dark Side of Fast Fashion

The fashion industry has evolved rapidly over the years, with fast fashion gaining immense popularity. Fast fashion refers to the trend of producing inexpensive and quickly manufactured clothing, often inspired by runway designs, and making them available to consumers at a low cost. However, the dark side of fast fashion has come under scrutiny in recent years, revealing its negative impact on the environment, labor exploitation, and consumer behavior.

According to a report by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, the fashion industry is responsible for producing 10% of global carbon emissions and consuming more energy than the aviation and shipping industries combined. The production of textiles, such as cotton and polyester, requires vast amounts of water, chemicals, and energy, contributing to pollution and depletion of natural resources.

Moreover, fast fashion has been associated with labor exploitation in developing countries, where workers, including children, are often subjected to unsafe working conditions, long hours, and low wages. Many fast fashion brands outsource their production to countries with lax labor regulations, resulting in exploitation and mistreatment of workers.

In addition, the fast fashion culture has fueled a throwaway mentality among consumers, leading to excessive consumption and waste. The rise of social media and influencer marketing has further promoted the idea of constantly updating one’s wardrobe to stay on-trend, resulting in a high turnover of clothing and increased textile waste.

As consumers, we have the power to make a difference. Supporting sustainable and ethical fashion brands, opting for second-hand or vintage clothing, and adopting a minimalist approach to fashion can help reduce the negative impact of fast fashion on the environment and society.

In conclusion, fast fashion has gained popularity for its affordability and accessibility, but it comes at a high cost to the environment, labor rights, and consumer behavior. It is crucial to raise awareness among consumers and encourage responsible fashion choices to address the dark side of fast fashion and promote a more sustainable and ethical fashion industry.

Preguntas de compresión sobre el texto 

Aquí te dejo unas preguntas para que practiques tu writing y tu comprensión lectora en inglés. Si quieres consejos para estructurar tus respuestas, no te pierdas este curso para perfeccionar tu Writing B2 en caso de que te estés preparando para el examen de Cambridge o bien porque te encanta escribir bien en inglés. 

  1. What is fast fashion and why has it gained popularity?
  2. What negative impacts does fast fashion have on the environment, labor exploitation, and consumer behavior?
  3. According to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation report, what percentage of global carbon emissions does the fashion industry produce?
  4. What are some of the issues associated with the production of textiles, such as cotton and polyester?
  5. Why are workers in developing countries often subjected to labor exploitation in the fast fashion industry?
  6. How has fast fashion culture influenced consumer behavior and consumption patterns?
  7. What are some ways that consumers can make a positive impact and reduce the negative effects of fast fashion?
  8. What are the potential consequences of the affordability and accessibility of fast fashion?
  9. Why is it important to raise awareness among consumers and promote responsible fashion choices?
  10. What is the main message or conclusion of the text regarding fast fashion?

Espero que te haya gustado esta lectura corta con ejercicios en inglés. Si quieres leer más, aquí tienes una lista. Si estás buscando mejorar tu comprensión lectora para presentarte al B2 FIRST Cambridge aquí te dejamos un curso para ayudarte. Y si necesitas entrenar tu listening, aquí tienes un vídeo para alumnos con nivel avanzado.

Respuestas al ejercicio

Depletion –  Replenishment
Unsafe –  Safe
Excessive –  Moderate
Waste –  Conservation
Affordability –  Expensiveness

Address –  Ignore
Promotion –  Demotion
Sustainable –  Unsustainable
Ethical –  Unethical
Gain – Loss

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