Lectura corta en inglés Nivel Intermedio – Collocations

Lectura corta en inglés Collocations – Nivel intermedio

Tras este post súper completo sobre collocations en inglés, hoy traemos una lectura corta con muchos ejemplos de collocations en inglés para que las aprendas en contexto. Esta lectura es para un nivel B1-B2. Si tienes dudas de tu nivel de inglés, haz la prueba de nivel rápida con resultados al instante.

Vamos a ver algunas de las collocations que aparecen en la lectura corta en inglés para que te vayan sonando.

take a break – tomar un descanso
take it easy – tomárselo con calma
keep in touch – mantenerse en contacto

catch a cold – pillar un resfriado
do her homework – hacer la tarea
make progress – progresar
take a look – echar un vistazo
keep an eye on – vigilar
meet the deadline – cumplir con una fecha límite
take care of – cuidar de
make the most of – aprovechar al máximo
have a good time – pasar un buen rato
make a decision – tomar una decisión
make a mistake – cometer un error
make sense – tener sentido
make an effort – hacer un esfuerzo
have a good balance – tener un buen equilibrio

Ahora pasamos a la lectura corta en inglés. Si desconoces alguna palabra utiliza un diccionario online. En este además puedes comprobar la pronunciación en inglés pulsando en el 🔊.

Mira qué phrasal verbs son los más utilizados en cada nivel de inglés.

Lectura corta en inglés – Nivel intermedio

Sarah had been feeling overwhelmed with her workload lately. Between her job, her evening classes, and her volunteer commitments, she barely had time to take a break. Her friend, Alex, advised her to take it easy and not stress too much about it. “You need to keep in touch with your well-being,” he said.

Last night, Sarah decided to do her homework at the local café. She made a conscious effort to focus and make progress on her assignments. However, as she was working, she couldn’t help but take a look at her phone every few minutes. She knew she needed to keep an eye on the time to meet the deadline for her project.

As she left the café, Sarah realized she might have caught a cold from the chilly weather outside. “I should have taken care of myself better,” she thought. Despite feeling under the weather, she was determined to make the most of her evening. She decided to have a good time watching her favorite movie at home.

Reflecting on Alex’s advice, Sarah resolved to make a decision to prioritize self-care and balance in her life. She acknowledged that sometimes, it’s important to make a mistake in order to learn and grow. She was determined to understand her challenges better and make progress toward her goals.

Sarah woke up the next morning feeling much better. She decided to make an effort to incorporate more relaxation and leisure activities into her schedule. “It’s important to have a good balance between work and play,” she reminded herself. With this mindset, Sarah embarked on her day with optimism and enthusiasm.

Ejercicios sobre la lectura corta en inglés

1. Preguntas de comprensión sobre el texto en inglés

  1. Why was Sarah feeling overwhelmed lately?
  2. What advice did Alex give Sarah?
  3. Where did Sarah decide to do her homework last night?
  4. What did Sarah do to try to meet the deadline for her project?
  5. Why did Sarah decide to watch her favorite movie at home that night?

2. Vocabulario

  1. Explain the meaning of the phrases “take it easy” and “keep in touch”.
  2. What does “make the most of” mean in the context of the reading?
  3. Define the phrase “keep an eye on” and provide an additional example of its usage.

3. Practica tu Writing

  1. Write a brief piece of advice that Sarah could give to someone feeling overwhelmed by their workload.
  2. Imagine a conversation between Sarah and Alex after she has taken steps to balance her life. What might they say to each other?
  3. What other steps could Sarah take to ensure she maintains a healthy balance between work and leisure?

 Esperamos que te haya gustado esta lectura corta en inglés para nivel intermedio. Si quieres impulsar tu inglés hasta la estratosfera, contáctanos para encontrar a tu profesor particular de inglés ideal. 

Encuentra más lecturas cortas en inglés en nuestro blog y recursos para aprender gramática y vocabulario en inglés. 

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curso de inglés para practicar el reading del B2 first de Cambridge FCE

Practica el Reading para el B2 First de Cambridge FCE

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Cursos de Inglés

curso de inglés para practicar el reading del B2 first de Cambridge FCE

Practica el Reading para el B2 First de Cambridge FCE

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