Lectura corta en inglés – Transformando una vieja furgoneta

Aprende vocabulario con este texto corto en inglés

Hoy te traemos una oportunidad estupenda para aprender vocabulario en inglés relacionado con el bricolaje y la construcción con esta historia corta en inglés muy reconfortante que trata de una pareja que camperiza su furgoneta. ¡Espero que te guste! Esta historia la hemos creado con ayuda del chat GPT, que resulta un complemento interesante para aprender inglés desde casa, como te contamos en este post.

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Lectura corta en inglés

Turning an Old Van into Adventure

Sarah and Tom, a modern couple with a passion for adventure, found themselves in a rundown garage, staring at a dusty old van. Tom rubbed his hands together, excitement gleaming in his eyes. “Ready to turn this old van into a rolling paradise, Sarah?”

Sarah smiled, her heart pounding with anticipation. “Absolutely, Tom. Let’s start with the flooring. Something warm and inviting, like our home.”

They knelt together, laying down wooden panels, each board fitting perfectly into place. “This wood gives it that rustic charm,” Tom said, tapping the flooring with satisfaction.

Sarah nodded, envisioning the cozy space they’d create. “Now for the walls,” she said, unfurling the gray, weather-resistant fabric. They worked side by side, tucking and securing the fabric, transforming the cold metal into a comforting cocoon.

As Tom installed the solar panels, he grinned at Sarah. “With these, we’ll have power for our LED lights and our gadgets.”

Sarah, with a keen eye for detail, sewed curtains with a charming pattern, softening the space. “These curtains add just the right touch of home,” she said, admiring her work.

Their kitchen, though small, was efficient. Tom built a countertop with a tiny sink and gas stove, while Sarah placed groceries into the tiny fridge.

Creating the sleeping area was the most exciting part. They built a cozy platform with a plush mattress, and a skylight allowed them to stargaze from their bed.

While assembling the sleeping platform, they realized they had misplaced a crucial screw. It took a few minutes of searching through their toolbox to locate it, but they laughed it off, knowing that these little hiccups were part of the adventure.

With their van transformed, they stood back, admiring their work. “It’s perfect,” Tom said, pulling Sarah close for a kiss.

They added a vibrant mural to the exterior, showcasing their love for nature and adventure. As they hit the road, Sarah turned to Tom with a smile. “Our journey begins, and this van is our canvas.”

Every sunset and sunrise became a cherished memory, engraved into the fabric of their van’s interior, with laughter and love filling the air.

Preguntas de compresión sobre el texto

¿Te ha costado entender la lectura en inglés o la has leído sin problemas? Mira aquí cuál es tu nivel de inglés, te resultará muy útil saberlo para poner tu nivel en el currículum o si quieres hacer un examen oficial de inglés.

Ahora puedes practicar la comprensión escrita y mejorar tu Writing en inglés respondiendo a estas preguntas:

  1. What materials do they use for the van’s flooring?
  2. How do the solar panels on the roof benefit them?
  3. What does Sarah contribute to the renovation project?
  4. Describe the kitchen in their camper van.
  5. What minor issue do they face during the renovation process?

¡Buen trabajo! Recuerda que te ofrecemos un montón de cursos de inglés sobre muchos temas para hacer desde casa a tu ritmo.

Nuestros cursos de inglés

curso de inglés para practicar el reading del B2 first de Cambridge FCE

Practica el Reading para el B2 First de Cambridge FCE

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Cursos de Inglés

curso de inglés para practicar el reading del B2 first de Cambridge FCE

Practica el Reading para el B2 First de Cambridge FCE

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By the way, no solo somos buenos profesores de inglés sino también somos buenos estudiantes de español. Si ves un fallo en nuestro articulo, abajo nos puedes dejar un comentario con la corrección y la revisamos.

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