To come up with

He always comes up with something that flatters everyone.

To come up with (something) means “To think of something / Provide a new idea”.


  • The boss wants the new employees to come up with some website update. 
  • The boss wants the new employees to provide a new idea for a website update.

It is non-separable:

Example of non-separable:

  • Ronaldo makes the team come up with new strength and confidence.
  • Ronaldo makes the team come with new strength and confidence up.

   Let’s look at some other examples:

  • She comes up with lame excuses to hide the fact that the work is not done.
  • You have to come up with something different if you want to submit this file by tomorrow.
  • Ali came up with the best idea to generate new revenues.

Now let’s look at the next phrasal verb… 🚴