Written by Irene Quesada
Aprende vocabulario con esta lectura corta en inglés
Vamos a aprovechar esta lectura corta en inglés para aprender palabras nuevas. Esta lectura te vendrá bien si tienes un nivel intermedio. Si quieres averiguar tu nivel de inglés puedes hacer una prueba rápida aquí.
Esta lectura se trata sobre un futuro imaginado en el cual se ha descubierto una manera para que los humanos vivan más tiempo. ¿Te imaginas qué problemas y ventajas puede haber? Lo averiguarás en la lectura más abajo. A continuación vamos a ver algunas palabras del texto en inglés que quizás no conozcas.
Vocabulario en inglés
Breakthrough | Avance, descubrimiento |
Overcrowding | Superpoblación |
Renewable | Renovable |
Joined | Unieron |
Strengh | Fuerza |
Retirement | Jubilación |
Embrace | Abrazar |
Verás las palabras nuevas marcadas en negrita en el texto. De esta manera podrás verlas relacionadas en un contexto y te resultará más fácil aprenderlas. No creemos en las listas interminables de vocabulario sino en relacionarlo siempre con algo o aprenderlo en pares como es el caso de los antónimos o los false friends.
Texto en inglés
A Transformed Life
In the near future, amazing science discoveries changed how people lived, giving them a longer life. With new medical breakthroughs and personalized treatments, individuals could now live well into their hundreds.
But this brought some unexpected problems. More people led to overcrowding and not enough resources for healthcare, housing, and other important things.
To solve these issues, clever solutions were found. Tall buildings were built to save space, and renewable energy was used to protect the Earth. Governments made rules to control the population and make sure we didn’t use too many resources.
However, it wasn’t that easy. A big drug company had control over the treatments that made life longer. They made them expensive and hard to get for most people. People got very angry and protested for everyone to have equal access to these treatments.
In response, a group of scientists and activists joined forces to fight the drug company’s control. They secretly made a plan to give the treatments to people who needed them at a fair price. This gave hope and strength to communities all around the world.
Technology also played a big part in this new future. Virtual reality let people experience amazing things without leaving their homes. Doctors used small technology to help the body stay young and healthy.
As the world changed, people had to think about work and retirement in new ways. Older people kept learning and found new jobs. Different generations learned from each other and became close.
In this future, people learned to appreciate the present and find a good balance in life. They focused on what they loved and on relationships that mattered. Quality became more important than quantity.
The journey to a longer life wasn’t always easy, but it showed that people can make a difference and create a better world. It reminded us to embrace all the possibilities that life offers.
Preguntas de compresión sobre el texto
Para practicar la comprensión lectora te proponemos que respondas a estas preguntas sobre el texto en inglés.
- What did the scientific advancements in the near future allow people to do?
- What were some of the challenges that came with an extended lifespan?
- How did governments and communities address the challenges?
- What was the problem with the life-extending treatments?
- What did people learn to appreciate in the future?
Si te ha gustado esta lectura corta en inglés, tenemos muchas más aquí. Si además quieres aprender inglés escuchando, mira nuestro canal de Youtube, con todas las expresiones en inglés que necesitas saber.
By the way, no solo somos buenos profesores de inglés sino también somos buenos estudiantes de español. Si ves un fallo en nuestro articulo, abajo nos puedes dejar un comentario con la corrección y la revisamos.
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