Formal VS. Informal Emails

A formal email is usually an email that is sent to someone that you don’t know very well or that is in a higher authority position than you are. It might, for example, be a professor at a university, a public official, or an external business that you are doing business with.

When sending emails within a workplace, it is usually less formal, and it is a way of communicating with your work colleagues about everyday happing’s within the company. The person you are addressing in an informal email is usually someone you know well.

A formal email will have a defined structure, whereas an informal email has less of a structure.

You usually avoid using abbreviations, contractions, slang, and emoticons in formal emails. Whereas in, informal emails it is deemed more acceptable use.

Formal email example: The meeting is scheduled for the 5th of January at 9:30 a.m. All students must attend the meeting. Your project updates are needed.

Informal email example: Required meeting – 5 Jan, 09:30, Updates needed. See ya there 😊

Writing Formal VS Informal Emails

 Formal EmailInformation Email
GreetingDear Ms + Surname
Dear Madam
Hello Dear + Name
IntoThank you for your email about…I am writing to request information about…I am writing concerning…Thanks for your email. It was great to hear from you again. Guess what? How are things? What’s Up?
DetailI am following up with regards to our recent phone call…. I just wanted to confirm your appointment for your …. On … and….Thanks for taking my call about …. I want to confirm that you are going to join me on …..
ActionPlease confirm if this day and time still work for you?Will this still work for you?
ClosingIf you start with Dear Madam, then end with Yours FaithfullyIf you start with Ms + Surname, then finish with Yours sincerely / best regards.Best wishes / the best / keep in touch.