Don’t read this. It’s fake news! – Advanced (C1) listening

Hi there! “Fake news” is the fourth edition of our, soon to come, Conversation and Listening course for advanced levels.

Antes de seguir con este post, queríamos comentarte que hemos convertido todos nuestros vídeos de esta serie C1 a un curso gratuito. En este curso de C1, podrás:

  • Hacer ejercicios para aprender y practicar más de 70 palabras nuevas
  • Comprobar tu comprensión de los vídeos
  • Aprender de forma estructurada y dinámica

¡Sigue este enlace para llegar directamente al curso!

You’re here because you’ve watch our video and you’d like some more information about some of the advanced vocabulary that we used. Good work! But if you haven’t seen the video yet, you can see it at the bottom of this article. This is a fantastic exercise to practice your listening skills for the CAE (Cambridge Advanced Exam) or Trinity ISE II+ exam.

Practicar tu listening en inglés B2/C1:

¡Hola y bienvenidos! Ya has visto el cuarto vídeo de nuestro curso de practicar Conversación y Listening para niveles avanzados. Es un ejercicio bueno para prepararte para los exámenes de CAE o de Trinity ISE II+ . También lo puedes usar para practicar tu listening para un B2, intermedio alto.


Advanced vocabulary from Fake news:

Misleading (information) – Something misleading gives you information that makes you believe something that is not true.

There is a lot of misleading information on the internet.

Misinformation – False or inaccurate information

In January, there was a lot of misinformation surrounding Covid-19.

Back up – to support someone or something.

The information was backed up by the government.

Conduit – something that carries or moves information (cauce)

The internet is a major conduit for music.

Spread – To expand or distribute in a place

Many websites spread information about the government.
Viruses can spread through a country very quickly.

Not have a leg to stand on – not have support or basis for an idea or movement.

Don’t sue the company. Without a written contract, you don’t have a leg to stand on.

Fake news, hackers, misinformation. It’s quite like the Matrix. 

To be pointless – If something is pointless, it has no meaning or logic.

It is pointless trying to change his mind. He’s too stubborn.

Entrenched – to be firmly established in a place.

People become more entrenched in their own view when they hear other people agreeing with them.

Mediate – to occupy a middle position (mediar/estar intermedio)

Facebook should mediate the content on their platform.

Herd mentality – the tendency for people’s behaviour or beliefs to conform to those of the group to which they belong. (La mentalidad de rebaño).

Herd mentality is common in small societies.

Fall for – to believe that a joke/trick/lie is true

People fall for fake news very easily.

Fake news

Yes, the propaganda Mill. The machine of Fake news. 

The penny drops – To realise something (darse cuenta de algo)

When I finished the book, the penny dropped that the protagonist was really the author all along!

The powers that be – the authorities, God, some secret organisation – whatever really, as long as it is controlling.

If we don’t obey the powers that be, we could fall into anarchy.

Tune in – to watch or listen to the radio, television, or a show.

Tune in next week to hear the interview with Casey!

And there you have it! Well done for taking the time to improve your English yourself. This motivation will help you go a long way. If you missed our last video on “Tinder” to practice your listening, check it out here and if you have any questions, please leave us a comment, we would love to help you! Finally, make sure you subscribe, so as not to (click here if you don’t know “so as not to”)  miss out on any future videos!

And before we forget, you can try our online course Learn English with Short Films // “Aprender inglés con cortometrajes” en Udemy.

By the way, no solo somos buenos profesores de inglés sino también somos buenos estudiantes de español. Si ves un fallo en nuestro articulo, abajo nos puedes dejar un comentario con la corrección y la revisamos.

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