How to write a great essay
How to write a review:
How to write a report
How to write a great Article
How to write an email or a letter
Bonus content! Checklist for every writing section:

Welcome, what we will do!

Nice to see you here.

How you will learn on this course:

This is a quick guide on how to use the course. Each section is the same.

  • What you need to do for the task.
  • Tricks and tips for getting top marks.
  • A template that you will need to learn for the task.
  • A model answer to see what a good writing looks like.

Finally, the feedback:

1. You will complete a writing.

2. I will give feedback about your mistakes and ways to improve.

3. You will complete another writing.

Once you have completed this course your writings will be top notch!

Now, let’s get stuck in…